Project Belle Maison
March 17, 2021
Project Diane
March 16, 2021

Project Casa Nita


Minimalist Heaven: Embrace the Serenity of Casa Nita

Casa Nita embodies the essence of minimalism, creating a space that exudes simplicity, warmth, and comfort. The project's purpose is to design an interior that showcases clean lines and a clutter-free environment while providing a cozy atmosphere. Our goal is to curate a harmonious balance between simplicity and charm, centered around beiges, to create a serene and inviting ambiance.



Success Metrics:

  • Client satisfaction: Feedback from the client on their level of contentment with the achieved design and ambiance.
  • Adherence to minimalist concept: Evaluation of how well the design adheres to minimalism principles, encompassing beiges, clean lines, and clutter-free spaces.
  • Comfort and functionality: Assessment of the space's ability to provide a cozy and comfortable environment without sacrificing functionality and practicality.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Evaluation of the interior's visual impact and attractiveness, emphasizing the choice of furniture and decor.

Key deliverables

  • Design concept and mood board: A visual representation of the minimalist and cozy theme, featuring the color palette, furniture selection, and overall aesthetic.
  • Furniture and decor procurement: Curated furniture pieces and decor items that perfectly align with the minimalist and cozy vision.
  • Space layout and arrangement: A well-thought-out floor plan maximizing the space and ensuring a comfortable flow within the interior.
  • Installation and styling: Execution of the design plan, including the placement of furniture, lighting fixtures, and decor items to achieve the desired look and feel.
  • Final presentation: A completed interior space that showcases Casa Nita's minimalist heaven vision, boasting clean, cozy, and inviting ambiance.